
Students Data Scraping from University Websites

Posted By admin

Project Title: Students Data Scraping from University Websites

Project Description:
We want to find students contact information for some universities of USA.

Please retrieve following information from website:
– Student Name
– Contact Email
– Phone Number
– University Name
– Course chosen

If you are able to scrape such sort of websites then will tell you more about our project requirement.

What is the quotation for data scraping? How much would be required for the same?

Please let me know if you require more details.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@emailscrapingservices.com.

  • 6 years ago Frank Carlton

    I am looking to scrape information of students from Cambridge University.
    Can you scrape emails of students from university websites?

  • 6 years ago David WATTS

    You only need to provide us this information and we will do uploading of students Email List on our websites at our end!


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