Scraping Realtors Contact Details across United States

Project Title: Scraping Realtors Contact Details across United States
Project Description:
I would like to scrape realtors data from real estate websites. I am looking for an experienced person to complete this task.
I want to scrape all details across USA. You can scrape data city by city or state by state and collect all available information which I require.
Some fields which are required are as follow:
– Agent’s Name
– Address
– Contact
– Email
– Website
– Specialization
– Experience
– Areas Served
– Brokerage
– Recommendation
– Reviews
– Ratings
Can you please suggest the best source for realtor scraping? We want the data entered into an excel CSV spreadsheet.
This is a long-term project and will also have further project upon completion of this project. Let me know if
you have any questions, I will be more than happy to clarify them.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on