Scrape Details of Properties from Realtor
Project Title: Scrape Details of Properties from Realtor
Project Description:
We are interested in scraping with property names, # starts, standard room pricing and location of the property to make a map with hotel pricing.
What we need is a WEEKLY scraping of the HOMES FOR SALE listings. These are available on websites.
There is obviously huge duplication on these. Our goal is to identify on a WEEKLY the previous week’s new listings.
We need the address and asking price. We need a new file every week.
You need to scrap as many websites as possible so our list is the most complete.
Also, can you get this information for each property?
– Property Name
– Project Description
– City
– State
– Postal Code
– Property Rate
– Other Details
– Property Owner Name
– Property Owner Contact Number
How will you perform extraction process? And what will be price?
We will wait for your response. Thank you!!
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