
Scrape Contact Information of Law Firm from Lawyer’s Directory

Posted By admin

Project Title: Scrape Contact Information of Law Firm from Lawyer’s Directory

Project Description:
I am curious to see what information you have gathered for law firms in the United States and Canada.

I required a person who can handle one of our projects. I need to scrape Lawyer’s Email list from web source.

I have looked for directories that contain this type of data and need your help in extracting data from there so

kindly suggest me best sources from internet as per my requirement.

Some fields I would be interested in are as follows:
– Law Firm Name
– Area of Practice
– Address
– City
– State
– Country (US & Canada?)
– Postal Code
– Law Firm Size (by # of lawyers?)

Have you scraped Law Firm’s information before? If you have done scraping on law firm websites in past couple of months, then please do share sample to review.

Approximately, how many days will it take to finish the extraction process? Let me know in case of any queries.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@emailscrapingservices.com.

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