eCommerce Websites Data Extraction Service
Project Title: eCommerce Websites Data Extraction Service
Project Description:
Need a daily extraction service for eCommerce website based on scraper you develop for a popular electronic ecommerce website.
There are 2 parts to the project:
1. Scrape all the products listed on the website. The main data needed:
– Product name
– Product images
– Product SKU
– Product description
– Weight
– Dimensions
– Category
2. Have the scraper then use the product identification data (SKU or other) to search and scrape the top data results for:
– Product name
– Price
If you have done something similar in the past with proof, please apply!!
Have you worked on similar jobs before? If yes, please include example.
For similar work requirement feel free to email us on
You have to scrape data from Amazon. We want to scrape clothes. Are you able to scrape this data?
We are interested in learning more about your company.
Leave your reply if you want to work with us. We will discuss later in brief.