Scrape Hotel Price and Historical Data verified by

Project Title: Scrape Hotel Price and Historical Data verified by
Project Description:
I want the data of all hotels in USA including all the states.
The data I require are as below:
– Hotel Name
– Address
– City
– State
– Zip Code
– Country
– Phone Number
– Website URL
– Email Address
– Reviews and Ratings
– Opening Hours
– Images
Can you guys scrape Hotel Prices on daily basis from Hotel Websites? If so, I will share the list of websites and location for which I have to scrape price of hotels on daily basis.
Can you please contact me so I can explain more on our project requirement?
The data then needs to be inserted into Excel Spreadsheet. Is it possible and do you have such ability?
Would you be able to help with this? Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
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