Extract Business Names with Contact Details from Website
Project Title: Extract Business Names with Contact Details from Website
Project Description:
We would like to extract information from a business directory website and put into an excel file, with each firm’s information on a separate line for each firm.
We would like information for all of the firms, for all of the areas of practice and all locations.
The data fields we want to extract are:
– Name of Firm/Company
– Firm/Company Size
– Website URL
– Phone Number
– Address with street address, city, state, zip code
– Business Category/Type
Can you please contact us so we can explain more on our project requirement?
We want the whole list with a company name, contact name and email address as a minimum. We’ve found that this information is readily available and verified by website.
We’d like to start with a trial run of 10,000 records. How much would this cost and how long would it take?
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on info@emailscrapingservices.com.