
Data Collection for Dentists Listings in USA

Posted By admin

Project Title: Data Collection for Dentists Listings in USA

Project Description:

I am looking for all the dentists in my country. I would then like to find the Facebook profiles for all these dentists offices.

Also, I would like learn if these dentist offices are advertising on Facebook or not.

Looking to start with a small subset like all dentists is a particular city and if the quality is satisfactory, I will give a bigger job.

Would like to collect fields: Dentists Name, Address, City, State, Zip Code, Country, Email, Website, Phone, Work Experience, etc..

I also have other verticals other than dentists that I am interested in so this could be a longer-term job.

For similar work requirement feel free to email us on info@emailscrapingservices.com.

  • 5 years ago Shravan Kasarla

    I am looking to collect email list of Dentist from Paris, France.
    Please kindly read the project requirements and provide solution for the same.
    Can you collect further emails by accessing other sources apart from above mentioned? Or do you have an alternative method?


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