Architects Email Lists Scraping

Project Title: Architects Email Lists Scraping
Project Description:
I’m currently in the process of building a new architecture website for us. That’s why I want your help.
Can you help me with your scraping expertise?
Please send me excel file with following data:
– Business Name
– Category
– Address
– Phone Number
– City
– State
– Post Code
– Description
– Website URL
– Email Address
Have you done ever this type of work? I would like to see sample data before we proceed with live extraction project.
If you are interested to work then please let me know and inform me your cost for this work. How soon can I get the list? Which payment method you accept?
Can you send me one sample record so I know we are on the same page?
Would you be able to help with this? Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on